Sunday, July 13, 2008

UPDATE: Keeping All The Balls In The Air

Well, here they are:

The National Lampoon Girls

Out of over 2,100 photos we shot, used... eight (we didn't shoot Ali Larter or Shasha).

Ah, well, they look great. Walter did a fantastic job. I especially like Ali Cobrin's photo (wow) and Sarah looks gorgeous. I'm not entirely thrilled with the choices for the other women. The uncropped pic of Andrea is waaaay better (she looks over retouched too).

Perhaps I'll create an online album of some of my favs and post them. Stay tuned.


Elizabeth McQuern said...

Too bad they're all so plain-looking. A little eyeliner can do a lot for a girl's self-confidence.

Ha ha.

Elizabeth McQuern said...

Oh, and I recognize the photog's name! I think you e-introduced us once and we emailed a few times.